Eine magisch-kraftvolle Komposition von Frederik Magle für die Liberal-Katholische Kirche in Dänemark.
Wir hörten diese Komposition das erste mal beim Internationalen Kongress der LKK in Naarden und waren begeistert.
Der Download ist kostenlos.
Das Musikstück darf nur im Zusammenhang
mit der der LKK (weltweit) verwendet werden.
Quelle: http://www.magle.dk/lcc.html
Über die Komposition (in Englisch) | Zitat Quelle:
“In connection to a priest ordination in Denmark in 2006, the Danish composer Frederik Magle was asked to compose a piece of music for the organ. Before he began his work, he participated in the Holy Eucharist in order to get an understanding of the nature of the work that takes place during the Holy Eucharist, so that the composition could end up reflecting the liturgical form with its depth, its devotion and the lightness of the angels.
At the first performance a part of the music was still presented as improvisations, but the work was finished shortly after. In 2016 Frederik Magle reworked and orchestrated Progressing Soul, so that it now appears in a refined edition for organ and symphony orchestra.”